Monday, June 15, 2015

Birds and Arrows: Coyotes!

Birds and Arrows—Coyotes: So Smooth, So Original, So beautiful!

It's official. I've now listened to Coyotes by Birds and Arrows dozens of times. It's very possible that I've heard and sung along with all of the songs on the cd more times than Birds and Arrows has sung them!

And so now I can enthusiastically share with you that the talented Andrea and Pete Connolly are not just accomplished musicians and artists, they are also masterful chefs creating music so divine and so full of vibrant flavors that it can only be compared to the gourmet chocolate. Coyotes is chocolatey musical art that is rich, mellow, bittersweet and complex.

There is no doubt that Andrea's vocals impart a delicious creamy texture to the Coyotes cd, however her hub, Pete, adds a most complementary layer of caramelly backing vocals and solos to the blend. The couple's poetry, masquerading as song lyrics, is hauntingly familiar – touching places in your heart that you forgot were there. Adding to the warm vocals and dreamy lyrics is an elegant, becalming bouquet of soul-soothing instrumentation and harmonies – and liberally dusted with a sprinkling of gifts from other highly talented musicians and their instruments. Birds and Arrows' chocolate-inspired music is a true delicacy infused with surprising finishing touches of warm, woody and spicy strings, a dusting of flowery theremin and a subtle aromatic hint of tranquil pedal steel (contributed by Dave Hadley).

Without a doubt, the Birds and Arrows' Coyotes cd is a beautiful work of art that reflects a love we don't always get to feel – love for family, friends, animals and nature. It is a celebration of life and spirit and is one of the most inspirational and satisfying, new musical endeavors that I've heard in years.

Don't delay, listen and buy their CD today.

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